
S7-300 S7-400 Programming Ladder Logic (Ladder Logic LAD)

Siemens Simatic S7-300 and S7-400 Programming Ladder Logic Ladder Logic - LAD original reference manual

Bit Logic Instructions, Comparison Instructions, Conversion Instructions, Counter Instructions, Data Block Instructions, Logic Control Instructions, Integer, Floating Point Math Instructions (Floating Point), Math Instructions Transport-Assignment (Move) Instructions Program Control Instructions
Shift (Shift) and Revolution, Transition (Rotate) Commands, Status Bit Instructions, Self-timer (Timer) Commands, Word Logic Instructions, All Ladder Logic (LAD, Commands Overview, Programming Examples, Working with Ladder Logic

1 Bit Logic Instructions 1-1
Overview of Bit Logic Instructions- | | - Normally Open Contact (Address)- | / | - Normally Closed Contact (Address)XOR Bit Exclusive OR (Excluding same are OR)- | NOT | - Invert Power Flow- () Output Coil- (#) - Midline Output- (R) Reset Coil- (S) Set CoilRS Reset-Set Flip FlopSR Set-Reset Flip Flop- (N) - Negative RLO Edge Detection (Edge Detection - Edge Detection)- (P) - Positive RLO Edge Detection- (SAVE) Save RLO into BR MemoryNEG Address Negative Edge DetectionPOS Address Positive Edge DetectionInstant Reading, Real Writing
2 Comparison Instructions 2-1
Overview of Comparison InstructionsCMP? I Compare IntegerCMP? D Compare Double IntegerCMP? Compare Integer R
3 Conversion Instructions 3-1
Overview of Conversion InstructionsBCD_I Integer to BCDI_BCD Integer to BCDI_DINT Integer to Double IntegerBCD_DI BCD to Double IntegerDI_BCD Double Integer to BCDDouble Integer to Floating Points DI_REALINV_I one's complement integerINV_DI one's complement Double IntegerNEG_I two's complement integerNEG_DI two's complement Double IntegerMake a negative real number NEG_RROUND Round Double IntegerTRUNC Double Integer Part A HorseCeil CeilingFLOOR Floor
4 Counter Instructions 4-1
Overview of Counter InstructionsS_CUD Up-Down CounterS_CU Up CounterS_CD Down Counter- (SC) Counter Value Assignment- (CU) Up Counter Coil- (CD) Down Counter Coil
5 Data Block Instructions 5-1
- (OPN) Open a Data Block: DB or DI
6 Logic Control Instructions 6-1
Overview of Logic Control Instructions- (JMP) - Unconditional Jump (Jump)- (JMP) - Conditional Jump- (JMPN) Jump-If-IfLABEL Tag
7 Integer Math Instructions 7-1
Overview of Integer Math InstructionsCreating Bits of the Status Word with Integer Math InstructionsADD_I Integer SumSubtract Integer SUB_IMultiply Integer MUL_IDivide Integer DIV_IAdd Double Integer ADD_DISubtract Double Integer SUB_DIMultiply Double Integer MUL_DIDIV_DI Divide Double IntegerMOD_DI Return Fraction Double Integer
Floating Point (Floating-Point) Math Instructions 8-1
Overview of Floating-Point Math InstructionsCreating Bits of the Status Word with Floating Point Math InstructionsBasic CommandsCollect ADD_R Floating PointSUB_R Subtract RealMUL_R Multiply RealDIV_R Floating Point DivideABS Absolute Value of a floating-point numberAdditional CommandsSQR Establish the SquareCalculate the square root SQRTEXP Exponential ValueLN Natural LogarithmSIN Sine ValueCOS Cosine ValueTAN Tangent ValueASIN Arc Sine ValueACOS Arc Cosine ValueATAN Arc Tangent Value
9 Transport-Assignment (Move) Commands 9-1
MOVE Assign ValueProgram Control InstructionsOverview of Program Control Instructions- (Call) Call FC SFC from Coil (without Parameters)Call the box CALL_FB FBCALL_FC Call FC from BoxCall System FB from Box CALL_SFBCALL_SFC Call System FC from BoxCall MultipleCall a Library BlockImportant Notes on Using MCR Functions- (MCR <) Master Control Relay On--- (MCR>) Master Control Relay Off- (MCRA) Master Control Relay Activate- (MCRD) Master Control Relay Deactivate- (RET) to 10-20
11 Shift (Shift) and rotational displacement (Rotate) Commands 11-1
Shift InstructionsOverview of Shift InstructionsShift Right Integer SHR_ISHR_DI Shift Right Double IntegerShift Left Word SHL_WSHR_W Shift Right WordSHL_DW Shift Left Double WordSHR_DW Shift Right Double WordRotating Shift (Rotate) CommandsRotary Overview of Shift InstructionsRotating Shift Left Double Word ROL_DWRotating Shift Right Double Word ROR_DW
12 Status Bit (Status Bit) Instructions 12-1
Status Bit Commands OverviewOV - | | - Exception Bit OverflowOS - | | - Exception Bit Overflow StoredUO - | | - Exception Bit UnorderedBR - | | - Exception Bit Binary Result== 0 - | | - Result Bit Equal to Zero<> 0 - | | - Result Bit Not Equal> 0 - | | - Result Bit Greater Than<0 --- | | --- Result Bit Less Than> = 0 - | | - Result Bit Greater or Equal<= 0 --- | | --- Result Bit Less Than or Equal
13 Self-Timer (Timer) Commands 13-1
Overview of Timer InstructionsPlacement of a Timer in Memory and Components of a TimerS_PULSE Pulse (DP) S5 TimerS_PEXT (Extended Pulse) S5 TimerS_ODT Delayed (On-Delay) S5 TimerS_ODTS Retentive On-Delay (Retentive On-Delay) Delay S5 TimerNavigate in the delay (Off-Delay) S5 Timer- (SP) Pulse Timer Coil (Pulse Timer Coil)- (DE) Extended Pulse Timer Coil (Extended Pulse Timer Coil)- (SD) Delay Timer Coil (On-Delay Timer Coil)- (SS) Retentive On-Delay Timer Coil (Retentive On-Delay Timer- (SF) Delay Timer Coil (Off-Delay Timer Coil)Word Logic InstructionsOverview of Word Logic InstructionsWAND_W (Word) AND Word - (W and W)WOR_W (Word) OR Word - (W OR W)WAND_DW (Word) AND Double Word - (W AND DW)WOR_DW (Word) OR Double Word - (W or DW)WXOR_W (Word) Exclusive OR Word - (W XOR W)WXOR_DW (Word) Exclusive OR Double Word - (W XOR DW)All Ladder Logic (LAD) Commands Overview A-1English Simgesellerine (Mnemonics) LAD Instructions Sorted By (International)German Simgesellerine (Mnemonics) LAD Instructions Sorted By
B Programming Examples
B.1 Overview of Programming Examples B-1B.2 Example: Bit Logic Instructions B-2B.3 Example: Timer Instructions B-6B.4 Example: Counter and Comparison Instructions B-10B.5 Example: Integer Math Instructions B-12B.6 Example: Word Logic Instructions B-13Working with Ladder Logic C C-1C.1 EN / ENO mechanism C-1C.1.1 EN and with ENO Connected Collector (Adder) C-2C.1.2 EN Connected, ENO Connected Non-Collector C-3C.1.3 EN Not Connected, with ENO Connected Collector C-3Non-Collector C-4 C.1.4 EN and ENO ConnectedC.2 Parameter Transfer of C-4
S7-300 S7-400 Programming Ladder Logic (Ladder Logic LAD) source file: s7-300-S7-400-programming-for-ladder-logic-ladder-logic-lad.rar alternative link2

ATtiny85 and USB Business Card

Atmel ATtiny85 microcontroller with USB Business Card project is quite interesting, with very few elements ATtiny85 established internal RC oscillator circuit frequency 16.5 MHz is used. pcb usb connector on the USB socket designed for the 1.6 mm thick PCB does not stop on the loose plaque on the printed circuit previously shared ATtiny85 USB Password Generator software as well as the USB interface made ​​with the V-USB driver. Circuit connected to the computer USB Business Card Notepad program opens the keyboard "Caps" key 2 times the pressure information contained in the microcontroller automatically written to the notepad window ..

also has 452 lines of source code written in the C source of the project, hex, and other source code, there are eagle files ..