
S7-300 S7-400 Programming Ladder Logic (Ladder Logic LAD)

Siemens Simatic S7-300 and S7-400 Programming Ladder Logic Ladder Logic - LAD original reference manual

Bit Logic Instructions, Comparison Instructions, Conversion Instructions, Counter Instructions, Data Block Instructions, Logic Control Instructions, Integer, Floating Point Math Instructions (Floating Point), Math Instructions Transport-Assignment (Move) Instructions Program Control Instructions
Shift (Shift) and Revolution, Transition (Rotate) Commands, Status Bit Instructions, Self-timer (Timer) Commands, Word Logic Instructions, All Ladder Logic (LAD, Commands Overview, Programming Examples, Working with Ladder Logic

1 Bit Logic Instructions 1-1
Overview of Bit Logic Instructions- | | - Normally Open Contact (Address)- | / | - Normally Closed Contact (Address)XOR Bit Exclusive OR (Excluding same are OR)- | NOT | - Invert Power Flow- () Output Coil- (#) - Midline Output- (R) Reset Coil- (S) Set CoilRS Reset-Set Flip FlopSR Set-Reset Flip Flop- (N) - Negative RLO Edge Detection (Edge Detection - Edge Detection)- (P) - Positive RLO Edge Detection- (SAVE) Save RLO into BR MemoryNEG Address Negative Edge DetectionPOS Address Positive Edge DetectionInstant Reading, Real Writing
2 Comparison Instructions 2-1
Overview of Comparison InstructionsCMP? I Compare IntegerCMP? D Compare Double IntegerCMP? Compare Integer R
3 Conversion Instructions 3-1
Overview of Conversion InstructionsBCD_I Integer to BCDI_BCD Integer to BCDI_DINT Integer to Double IntegerBCD_DI BCD to Double IntegerDI_BCD Double Integer to BCDDouble Integer to Floating Points DI_REALINV_I one's complement integerINV_DI one's complement Double IntegerNEG_I two's complement integerNEG_DI two's complement Double IntegerMake a negative real number NEG_RROUND Round Double IntegerTRUNC Double Integer Part A HorseCeil CeilingFLOOR Floor
4 Counter Instructions 4-1
Overview of Counter InstructionsS_CUD Up-Down CounterS_CU Up CounterS_CD Down Counter- (SC) Counter Value Assignment- (CU) Up Counter Coil- (CD) Down Counter Coil
5 Data Block Instructions 5-1
- (OPN) Open a Data Block: DB or DI
6 Logic Control Instructions 6-1
Overview of Logic Control Instructions- (JMP) - Unconditional Jump (Jump)- (JMP) - Conditional Jump- (JMPN) Jump-If-IfLABEL Tag
7 Integer Math Instructions 7-1
Overview of Integer Math InstructionsCreating Bits of the Status Word with Integer Math InstructionsADD_I Integer SumSubtract Integer SUB_IMultiply Integer MUL_IDivide Integer DIV_IAdd Double Integer ADD_DISubtract Double Integer SUB_DIMultiply Double Integer MUL_DIDIV_DI Divide Double IntegerMOD_DI Return Fraction Double Integer
Floating Point (Floating-Point) Math Instructions 8-1
Overview of Floating-Point Math InstructionsCreating Bits of the Status Word with Floating Point Math InstructionsBasic CommandsCollect ADD_R Floating PointSUB_R Subtract RealMUL_R Multiply RealDIV_R Floating Point DivideABS Absolute Value of a floating-point numberAdditional CommandsSQR Establish the SquareCalculate the square root SQRTEXP Exponential ValueLN Natural LogarithmSIN Sine ValueCOS Cosine ValueTAN Tangent ValueASIN Arc Sine ValueACOS Arc Cosine ValueATAN Arc Tangent Value
9 Transport-Assignment (Move) Commands 9-1
MOVE Assign ValueProgram Control InstructionsOverview of Program Control Instructions- (Call) Call FC SFC from Coil (without Parameters)Call the box CALL_FB FBCALL_FC Call FC from BoxCall System FB from Box CALL_SFBCALL_SFC Call System FC from BoxCall MultipleCall a Library BlockImportant Notes on Using MCR Functions- (MCR <) Master Control Relay On--- (MCR>) Master Control Relay Off- (MCRA) Master Control Relay Activate- (MCRD) Master Control Relay Deactivate- (RET) to 10-20
11 Shift (Shift) and rotational displacement (Rotate) Commands 11-1
Shift InstructionsOverview of Shift InstructionsShift Right Integer SHR_ISHR_DI Shift Right Double IntegerShift Left Word SHL_WSHR_W Shift Right WordSHL_DW Shift Left Double WordSHR_DW Shift Right Double WordRotating Shift (Rotate) CommandsRotary Overview of Shift InstructionsRotating Shift Left Double Word ROL_DWRotating Shift Right Double Word ROR_DW
12 Status Bit (Status Bit) Instructions 12-1
Status Bit Commands OverviewOV - | | - Exception Bit OverflowOS - | | - Exception Bit Overflow StoredUO - | | - Exception Bit UnorderedBR - | | - Exception Bit Binary Result== 0 - | | - Result Bit Equal to Zero<> 0 - | | - Result Bit Not Equal> 0 - | | - Result Bit Greater Than<0 --- | | --- Result Bit Less Than> = 0 - | | - Result Bit Greater or Equal<= 0 --- | | --- Result Bit Less Than or Equal
13 Self-Timer (Timer) Commands 13-1
Overview of Timer InstructionsPlacement of a Timer in Memory and Components of a TimerS_PULSE Pulse (DP) S5 TimerS_PEXT (Extended Pulse) S5 TimerS_ODT Delayed (On-Delay) S5 TimerS_ODTS Retentive On-Delay (Retentive On-Delay) Delay S5 TimerNavigate in the delay (Off-Delay) S5 Timer- (SP) Pulse Timer Coil (Pulse Timer Coil)- (DE) Extended Pulse Timer Coil (Extended Pulse Timer Coil)- (SD) Delay Timer Coil (On-Delay Timer Coil)- (SS) Retentive On-Delay Timer Coil (Retentive On-Delay Timer- (SF) Delay Timer Coil (Off-Delay Timer Coil)Word Logic InstructionsOverview of Word Logic InstructionsWAND_W (Word) AND Word - (W and W)WOR_W (Word) OR Word - (W OR W)WAND_DW (Word) AND Double Word - (W AND DW)WOR_DW (Word) OR Double Word - (W or DW)WXOR_W (Word) Exclusive OR Word - (W XOR W)WXOR_DW (Word) Exclusive OR Double Word - (W XOR DW)All Ladder Logic (LAD) Commands Overview A-1English Simgesellerine (Mnemonics) LAD Instructions Sorted By (International)German Simgesellerine (Mnemonics) LAD Instructions Sorted By
B Programming Examples
B.1 Overview of Programming Examples B-1B.2 Example: Bit Logic Instructions B-2B.3 Example: Timer Instructions B-6B.4 Example: Counter and Comparison Instructions B-10B.5 Example: Integer Math Instructions B-12B.6 Example: Word Logic Instructions B-13Working with Ladder Logic C C-1C.1 EN / ENO mechanism C-1C.1.1 EN and with ENO Connected Collector (Adder) C-2C.1.2 EN Connected, ENO Connected Non-Collector C-3C.1.3 EN Not Connected, with ENO Connected Collector C-3Non-Collector C-4 C.1.4 EN and ENO ConnectedC.2 Parameter Transfer of C-4
S7-300 S7-400 Programming Ladder Logic (Ladder Logic LAD) source file: s7-300-S7-400-programming-for-ladder-logic-ladder-logic-lad.rar alternative link2

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